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Project Process Flow

1. Getting Started

The more specific information you can gather, the faster a quote can be provided.  Provide the material type, thickness, and quantity of each part. Provide a CAD (.dxf, .dwg, .stp, .prt) or .pdf file. Let us know what processes you need done.


Laserfab is dedicated to creating an exceptionally positive experience for every one of our customers.

Job Order Check List
Company Name
Address and Ship To Address (unless picking up)
Phone Number
PO Number
Purchaser Name and Contact Info
Shipping Instructions
Tax Exempt Status
Payment Terms
Accounts Payable Contact Info
.dxf or .dwg part files
Quote Form

* indicates a required field We respect your privacy and will never give your information away

Address 1
Address 2
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: dxf, dwg, stp, sldprt, prt, pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.